Application Form for Student Financial Awards 2024-2025

We believe that innovative new solutions to both longstanding and new issues in lighting require a broader diversity of backgrounds and perspectives in the lighting workforce. Through our Architectural Lighting Certificate program, we hope to be a part of the solution by providing a means by which individuals with unique learning, career, and life experiences can advance their education and qualifications for fully engaging in the future of the lighting industry. This includes individuals from historically underrepresented and underserved groups in the lighting industry, such as Indigenous people, people of color, women, veterans, LGBTQ+ and individuals with disabilities.Ìý

To facilitate the broadening of the voices that inform our industry’s future, students applying for admission into the Architectural Lighting Certificate program for the 2024-2025 academic year may apply for a Student Financial Award of $1500 per course, funded by industry partners and supporting individuals, which will be applied directly to the student’s tuition costs after enrollment in each course. Several awards are available for 2024-2025; preference will be given to applicants from underrepresented groups for whom the costs of the program would be burdensome.Ìý

Please complete this form to explain your interest and qualifications for a financial award.Ìý

This form does not save in-progress submissions. We highly suggest that applicants complete their essays in a separate document before pasting essays into this form for submission.

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(300 word maximum): Please describe how your unique learning, career, and life experiences have led to your desire to enroll in the Architectural Lighting Certificate program. If applicable, please also identify your status as a member of a historically underrepresented and underserved group.
(300 word maximum): Please explain why a financial award is important for your participation in the Architectural Lighting Certificate program. Describe the likelihood of employer support, your ability to bear the costs of the yearlong program including travel to ÌÇÐÄVlogÆƽâ°æ for one week, or other financial considerations that are a factor in your commitment to the opportunity.