Support Jewish Studies

When you donate to the Program in Jewish Studies at CU Vlogƽ, you can help make a difference in the world.

What do we do?We teach students about the Jewish world –past, present, and future.With this knowledge our students learn how to think about social difference and how to act ethically in difficult situations.In Jewish Studies classes, students acquire the tools they need to carry on conversations with people who are different from them and to become leaders in their communities, large and small. We also support the groundbreaking research of our faculty into Jewish history, music, literature, philosophy, and religion.Finally, we design and organize educational events for you –our community members –so you can continue learning and growing alongside us.Your donations make all of this possible.So –if you see value in what we do, please make a donation now.

There are many giving opportunities through the Program in Jewish Studies.Take a look at the full list below and

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Program in Jewish Studies Operating Fund

General• Faculty & Students

Support public programming, course development, research support for faculty, student awards and scholarships, and much more. Learn more.

Events•Public Programming

Support all aspects of Jewish Studies public programming, bringing academics and artists to Vlogƽ for lectures, workshops, symposia, performances, and otherofferings, and ensuring that our community of learning is preciselythat—a genuine community, in which scholars, performers, students, and members of the public canlearn, think, and grow together. The Fund honors the memory of our beloved friend and colleague, Professor David Shneer, z”l,who passed away in Fall 2020.

General• Faculty & Students

Support the sustainability of the Program in Jewish Studies at CU Vlogƽ and the continued elevation of the Program's profile; locally, nationally, and internationally.

Read more about John and Kathy Rosenbloom's generous donation that makes this fund possible.

Faculty • Educational Programs

The funds we receive from the Foundation and the dollar to dollar match of your gift helps us to create a thriving, diverse community of students, faculty, staff, and members of the broader public and make a wide range of activities possible. The Bender Family Foundation supports faculty research and travel, educational community programs, and our archival collections. The Bender Family Foundation Matching Grant Program provides support for instructors in the Program in Jewish Studies, and to support the Reb Zalman project at CU Vlogƽ.

Friends of Jewish Studies Student Support Fund

Undergraduate Students •Graduate Students

With an annual donation of $36, individuals can become Friends of Jewish Studies. Friends have the opportunity to participate in small, exclusive programs—beyond events open to the broader public—and build a community oflearning, dialogue, and exploration. Learn more.

Barry & Sue Baer Student Scholarship Funds

Undergraduate Students •Graduate Students

Each year, the Undergraduate Endowed Jewish Studies Scholarship supports a promising undergraduate who demonstrates academic success, a passion for public service, and scholarship. The Graduate Fellowship supports the work of our ever-growing graduate student community. Learn more.

Rabbi Daniel & Ida Goldberger Graduate Fellowships

Graduate Students• Study Abroad & Cultural Immersion

The Goldberger Fellowship is granted annually to graduate students with plans to study abroad or participate in an approved cultural immersion program. Learn moreabout Rabbi Daniel & Ida Goldberger and the Goldberger Fellowship.

Jewish Studies Global Initiative Fund

Study Abroad •Global Studies

Supports students to become global citizens through study abroad programs, global seminars, language training, and more activities. Learn more.

Mazal Holocaust Collection Fund

Mazal Collection •Collections & Archives

Helps provide a number of different resources to maintain these unique collections including equipment, digitization services, processing, student fellowships and workers, and community learning opportunities. There are different giving opportunities for the Innovations in Jewish Life Collections. Learn more.

Shneer FamilyEndowed Fellowship Fund

Archival Research •Fellowship

Supports the initiative to make the Vlogƽ a center for the study of American Judaism after the Holocaust. Help scholars conduct their research and students learn the skills of information management, archiving, and digital literacy. Learn more.

Other Ways to Support the Program inJewish Studies

To learn more about the opportunities to support the Program in Jewish Studies and the University of Colorado, please visit the toexplore a variety of initiativesto support.

Questions About Giving to the Program inJewish Studies?

Please contact Jazmin Kay Brooks, Senior Development of Developement at the University of Colorado, at