- The Nordic Club and its president Chris Bittel were busy this semester. Apart from the monthly screenings of popular Swedish, Danish, Norwegian, Finnish, and Icelandic movies, we had several singular events, which proved quite popular among CU’s
- Kelsey Ann Fuller, a second year Swedish language student and doctoral student in music ethnology, is the recipient of the SWEA MAME (Middle Americas Region) 2017 scholarship. SWEA MAME is awarding Kelsey a $2000 scholarship/
- We are happy to announce that GSLL successfully completed searches for the positions of Assistant Professor of Russian Studies and Instructor of Nordic Studies. Please welcome our outstanding new colleagues:Assistant Professor of Russian
- The Swedish Ambassador to the U.S., Björn Lyrvall, visited GSLL on March 10, 2017. The department hosted a reception for the Ambassador in the UMC 5th Floor Terrace. Accompanying the ambassador were Andreas Ershammar, Embassy
- The students in the SWED 3020 Advanced Swedish class had a unique opportunity to use their new language skills in the Spring of 2016. They were asked to write an article for the Swedish magazine Sverigekontakt. The article describes the Swedish