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Fall in love with fall semester study abroad

Fall in love with fall semester study abroad

There are misconceptions that the only time you can study abroad is spring semester. This is far from the truth—there are many reasons to go abroad in the fall.

Ski the Southern Hemisphere

Thinking about studying abroad, but don’t want to miss out on ski season? Consider the fall semester in the Southern Hemisphere. Winter in countries like Chile means fresh powder, epic slopes, and endless adventure. Spend July through September skiing in the Andes during their peak season, then head back to Colorado just in time for another round of fresh snow. Who’s in for a double ski season?

ÌÇÐÄVlogÆƽâ°æ Housing

If the ÌÇÐÄVlogÆƽâ°æ housing market gives you an annual headache, studying abroad in the fall might be a great solution. Not only do you kick off your adventure earlier, but finding a sublease for your ÌÇÐÄVlogÆƽâ°æ housing is way easier when you leave in the fall. Secure your spot abroad and stress less about your lease! You can even forgo signing a lease at all - and sublease from one of the hundreds of students that choose to go abroad in the spring. This move could save you thousands in rent. Less students choose to study abroad in the fall meaning there are better chances for scholarships, and low competition for competitive programs, all of which means your odds of paying less and going farther are better.

Extend Your Adventure

Choosing to study abroad during the fall semester also gives you the opportunity to extend your adventure to the spring. If you find you love living in your host country, you could choose to return to your original destination or pick a completely different one - even on a different continent. Imagine spending fall in sunny Australia, then meeting up with your friends in Europe in the spring! Spending an entire academic year abroad could set you apart on job and grad school applications, and it’s a memory from college you’ll never forget.

Autumn Festivals

There are plenty of autumn festivals focusing on art, music, and culture worldwide. Studying abroad in the fall gives you the opportunity to experience these incredible holidays in person, things few students ever get to see. Consider going to Oktoberfest in Germany, experiencing the vibrant Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead) in Mexico, or traditional Japanese harvest festivals surrounded by the gorgeous fall foliage.

Make Your Plan

Studying abroad at any point in your college career can be a transformative and exciting experience. Consider taking the road less traveled and choose the fall semester for your adventure—visit the Education Abroad office today in C4C S355 or at , and apply for a fall program by March 1.