Academic Help

  • student working on computer outside
    Finals will be here before you know it! It's never too early to get organized and ensure you’re on track to finish the semester strong.
  • students studying outside at Kittredge
    Rushing to finish assignments or study for tests can sometimes lead to academic dishonesty—where students engage in plagiarism, cheating or helping another student gain an unfair advantage. Whatever the intention, these actions violate the Honor Code and have consequences.
  • Students studying on campus
    Midterms are just around the corner. Here are some underrated study hacks to help you ace your midterms.
  • A faculty member works with a student
    Faculty office hours are a space for you to interact with your professor one-on-one, ask questions and get clarification. Taking advantage of office hours early in the semester can help you feel more confident as the term progresses. Here are a few ways to make the most of meeting with your professors.
  • Students studying
    Here are some time management tips to help you stay on track this semester and still have time for fun.
  • students studying
    As you begin your spring semester, here are steps to set yourself up for success.
  • Hands typing on a laptop
    As a student, you may wonder how you could use AI tools like ChatGPT without risking an Honor Code violation. Students, faculty and staff will need to continually adjust as AI tools evolve and become a part of our everyday lives. For this semester, here are three things to know about using AI tools in your coursework.
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