Frank Morris Speech and Language Pathology Scholarship

The Frank Morris Speech & Language Pathology Scholarship was established in 2021 in honor of Frank Morris. Frank was a strong proponent of education through his entire life and believed in the compassionate care of others, hard work, dedication, and commitment to excellence. The Morris Family has experienced the benefits of Speech and Language services across three generations. With these ideals and experience in mind, the Scholarship Committee seeks to promote a level of excellence and dedication in students committed to a career in Clinical Speech and Language Pathology by providing scholarships for accomplished students in the field. The committee is especially interested in students who exhibit the highest levels of skill, compassion, and leadership.  

Application Timeline: Eligible students will recieve information (via email) on how to apply. 

Application Deadline: ·¡²¹°ù±ô²âÌý´³³Ü²Ô±ð (specific date to be announced annually) – Please note that All parts of the application (completed application, topical essay, statements/recommendations) must be received by this deadline.

Submit Application Materials to:

Morris Family Scholarship Committee 
409 UCB 
2501 Kittredge Loop Drive 
ÌÇÐÄVlogÆƽâ°æ, CO 80309-0409

or email to:

Notification of Awards: All applicants will be notified of their award status by the Department before the first day of the fall semester classes.

Although the scholarship is intended to reduce the level of school-related debt, financial need is not a consideration.  The maximum scholarship award for 2022-2023 is $19,500.  At the sole discretion of the review committee a partial, split, or no scholarship may be awarded for a given year.  The scholarship award will be paid in September via the Colorado University Foundation. To qualify for this scholarship, studetns must meet the following requirements:

  • Be a SLP graduate student
  • Successful completion of first year of SLP gradaute program
  • Avery Allen (2024)
  • Seria Whyte (2024)
  • Emily Conkey (2023)
  • Collin Eagen (2023)
  • Courtney Jensen (2022)
  • McKenna Spence-Olsen (2022)
  • Mckenzie Kessel (2021)