Honor Code FAQs
Every case that is reported to our office is decided on a case by case basis. Typically, a first time Honor Code violation is unlikely to result in suspension or expulsion, but it is possible depending on a variety of factors. During your meeting with a conduct coordinator in our office, you will be able to ask any sanctioning questions that you may have.
Once a decision is made regarding your responsibility, you will be emailed and the reporting faculty member will be copied on the email, so that they are aware of the decision.Â
In our office, this will be on record for five years, and then it will be expunged.Â
We do not generally report Honor Code or Conduct violations without your consent. Most commonly, request for a conduct history comes from another institution of higher education as part of a graduate school application.Â
We do share Honor Code violations with key campus partners. You can talk with your conduct officer about this in your meeting.
The Honor Code office makes no recommendations or determinations regarding academic sanctions, including grading. We refer you to your faculty for information on how this will impact your grade.
Please note that if you have withdrawn from a course, the faculty can administratively re-enroll you and assess an academic sanction.Â
Academic sanctions (grades) are determined independently of the Honor Code process. We refer you to your department policies regarding grade appeals and grievances. If you need support or guidance navigating a grade appeal, the Ombuds Office is a good resource.
 can be found online.
It’s likely that you did not complete your sanction by the deadline, so we placed a hold on your account. Please email Student Conduct& Conflict Resolution at honor@colorado.edu and we can look at your case and provide an update.
Email Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution at honor@colorado.edu and we can see if you are eligible for an extension with proof of progress in completing your sanction. Please note that extensions are typically only given one time, and are determined on a case-by-case basis.
The Honor Code Advisory Board (HCAB) is comprised of up to four faculty members and at least four students, including at least one graduate student. SCCR strives to have four members of HCAB present at meetings to review open Honor Code cases. However, minimum quorum is three, with at least one student and one faculty member present. If a graduate student allegedly violates policy within a graduate-level class, an HCAB graduate student representative must be present for the HCAB meeting. The ÌÇÐÄVlogÆƽâ°æ Faculty Assembly selects faculty on the HCAB. The Director of SCCR, or their designee, selects students on the HCAB with the support of GPSG and CUSG. The HCAB discusses findings of responsibility on cases of alleged academic misconduct, provides technical expertise on complex cases, and advises the hearing officer on non-academic sanctions for Honor Code violations.
We are so glad you want to get involved! Email us at Honor@colorado.edu and we will be in touch!
If you are found responsible for an Honor Code violation, you will be able to retake the course, but you will not be able to replace your original grade in the course.
While we strongly encourage you to participate in our process, it is your right to choose not to participate. After our office has made multiple attempts to schedule a meeting with you and has not received a response, the Honor Code Advisory Board will make a Decision in Absentia (DIA). For a DIA, the board will review all information that has been provided and make a decision on your case based on the information available at that time.
We do not notify parents or guardians about Honor Code violations.Â
If you participate in a NCAA sanctioned athletic team your coach will likely find out about this incident. We encourage you to talk to them so they can hear from you rather than another source. If you are not on a NCAA sanctioned team your coach will not receive notice about this incident from our office.Â
We do not inform off-campus employers of Honor Code violations, and we do not share this information with most on-campus employers either. Check your job description to see if there is a clause about a conduct record. Any on-campus employment can request a conduct check for their employees.Â
We do not notify clubs or organizations about Honor Code violations, but we recommend you think about how this incident could impact your club or organization if they were to find out about it. In the case of students running for office in CUSG, conduct records may be released if you were ever placed on formal probation, suspension, or had a termination of you housing contract. If your club or organization allegedly violates a policy, please refer to the Student Organizations process in the Student Code of Conduct.
Each case is determined based on its unique factors. However, common sanctions are outlined below.Â
Seminar on a topic such as ethics, writing, or time management
 Written Warning: A warning is a written statement from the conduct officer that the behavior was inappropriate and that more serious conduct action will be taken should subsequent violations of policy occur.
Honor Code probation: Probation is a status on which the university can place students found responsible for violating the Honor Code. It includes a written statement that the student’s behavior was inappropriate, and a timeframe within which the student remains on that status. Any violation of the Honor Code or the conditions of probation committed during the probationary period will result in further disciplinary action.ÌýÌý
Honor Code suspension: A student is required to leave the university, and not participate in any university activities, for a specified amount of time. This sanction is noted on a student’s transcript during the period of the suspension, and a student must apply for readmission after the term of the suspension if that student wishes to remain a student at the university. A suspension includes an exclusion from all University of Colorado system property for the duration of the suspension. Any exceptions to that exclusion must be approved by the director of Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution or that person’s designee.
Honor Code Expulsion: An expulsion decision results in a student losing the ability to participate in any and all activities within the University of Colorado system, and includes a permanent exclusion from all campus property. This sanction is noted on the student’s transcript, and Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution keeps the incident on file permanently.
Please refer to your decision letter for sanction information, including how and where to complete the course. If you have questions, please email us at Honor@colorado.edu.ÌýÌý