- By:Steven V. Miller Clemson University, Jaroslav Tir Vlogƽ, and John A. Vasquez Illinios UniversityOrignial Publication: May 2010Online Publication: Dec 2017Abstract:Traditional, structural theories
- By: Jennifer Wolak VlogƽPublished: 20 July 2017Abstract:What makes people feel influential in politics? While prior studies describe political efficacy as a stable and socialized trait, I argue that feelings of
- Dissertation: Judicial Reform Amid Violence in Latin AmericaCommittee: David S. Brown (Chair), Vanessa Baird, Carew Boulding, Andy Baker, and Hilary Potter (Ethnic Studies)Major Fields: Public PolicyPh.D.2017Founder and Principal Researcher,
- Dissertation: The Ethics of Precaution: Taking Responsibility for Uncertain Threats of Environmental HarmCommittee: Benjamin Hale (Chair), David Mapel, J. Samuel Fitch, Krister Andersson, William BoydMajor Fields: Political Theory, International
- Dissertation: Insulating for Investment: Regulatory Institutions and the Multinational Firm inInfrastructure IndustriesCommittee: David Bearce (Chair), Andy Baker, Moonhawk Kim, Megan Shannon, Adrian ShinMajor Fields: International Relations,
- Stojek, Szymon and Jaroslav Tir. 2015. “The Supply Side of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations: Trade Ties and Locations of UN Led Deployments.”European Journal of International Relations21(2): 352-376.Abstract:Peacekeeping operations
- Tir, Jaroslav and Shane P. Singh. 2015."Get Off My Lawn: Territorial Civil Wars and Subsequent Social Intolerance in the Public." Journal of Peace Research52(4): 478-491.Abstract:It is argued that threat related to territorial civil wars
- Singh, Shane P. and Jaroslav Tir. 2017. “Partisanship, Militarized International Conflict, and Electoral Support for the Incumbent.” Political Research Quarterly.Abstract:Comparative politics scholarship often neglects to consider how militarized
- Dissertation:Privatization and Local Democracy: The Causes of Privatized Service Delivery and its Consequences on Local Democratic PoliticsCommittee:Jennifer Wolak (Chair), Kenneth Bickers, Sokhey, Harden VisitingMajor fields: American
- Lisa Dilling, Elise Pizzi, John Berggren, Ashwin Ravikumar, Krister AnderssonAbstract:Cities are key sites of action for adaptation to climate change. However, there are a wide variety of responses to hazards at the municipal level. Why do