- For loyal Takács Quartet audiences, violist Geraldine Walther has been a staple on the Grusin stage for some time. Walther has played with the quartet for 15 years, replacing Roger Tapping when he retired in 2005. Tapping
- As the Takács Quartet enters its 45th year, the internationally acclaimed string quartet—in residence at the College of Music since 1986—will soon see a new musician enter its esteemed ranks.
- Shelby Roberts is the newest recipient of the prestigious Sher Distinguished Musician Scholarship and will be pursuing her Bachelor of Music in harp performance.
- The college welcomes Ryan Gardner, Joel Schut, Claude Sim and Branden Steinmetz in August.
- Faculty member Harumi Rhodes is nearing the end of her first year as second violinist for the Takács Quartet.
- For Sarah Off, good music and doing good are all in a day’s work. She co-founded the Mt. Blanca Summer Music Conservatory, a nonprofit organization that provides high-quality, affordable music performance experiences for young musicians.
- New Senior Instructor of Chamber Music Meta Weiss took the reins of the College of Music’s chamber music program this semester.
- Violin DMA student Marisa Ishikawa joined Assistant Professor of Violin Charles Wetherbee and the Carpe Diem string quartet this semester.
- The CU International Guitar Festival and Competition attracts visitors and performers from nearly every continent on Earth.
- We recently caught up with cellist Mairi Dorman-Phaneuf (DMA ’07) on a range of topics—from her role with the College of Music National Alumni Council (COMNAC) to a recent performance in New York City.