
  • Ph.D. Student

Education Background

Yingli received her Bachelor’s Degree in Construction Management from Chongqing University, China in 2016. Afterward, she continued her Master's study at Chongqing Universityto get her degrees in Management Science and Engineering.Her research atChongqing University focuses on the low-carbon city. In August 2019, she became a Ph.D. student in Architectural Engineering in the Sustainable Buildings and Societies Laboratory.

Research Interests

Building Energy Performance Evaluation; Large-scale Building Energy Simulation; Carbon Emissions from Buildings.

Research Projects

09/2021 - : NSF -U.S.-Ireland R&D Partnership: Intelligent Data Harvesting for Multi-Scale Building Stock Classification and Energy Performance Prediction

11/2020 - 08/2021: DOE - OpenStudio Software Testing Methodologies Through Building Science Modeling and Analysis (with NREL)

02/2020 - 09/2020: DOE -(with PNNL)

07/2019 - 03/2022: ASHRAE -


Journal Papers:

16. Y. Lou, Y. Yang, Y. Ye, C. He, W. Zuo. 2022. "" Building and Environment, 221, pp. 109311.

15.C. A. Faulkner, J. E. Castellini, Y. Lou, W. Zuo, D. M. Lorenzetti, M. D. Sohn. 2022."," Building and Environment, 221, pp. 109282.

14.Y. Ye, M. Strong, Y. Lou, C. A. Faulkner, W. Zuo, S. Upadhyaya. 2022. "," Energy and Buildings, 269, pp. 112247.

13. C. Tian, Y. Ye, Y. Lou, W. Zuo, G. Zhang, C. Li 2022. “,” Building Simulation, pp. 1-17.

12. Y. Lou, Y. Ye, Y. Yang, W. Zuo 2022. “” Building and Environment, 210, pp. 108683.

11. Y. Lou, Y. Yang, Y. Ye, W. Zuo, J. Wang 2021. “” Energy and Buildings, 253, pp. 111514.

10. Y. Ye, Hinkelman.K., Y. Lou, W. Zuo,G. Wang, J. Zhang2021. "" Building Simulation, pp. 1-17.

9. Y. Ye, Y. Lou, W. Zuo, E. Franconi, G. Wang 2020. "" Energy and Buildings, 224, pp. 110267.

8. Y. Ye, Y. Lou, M. Strong, S. Upadhyaya, W. Zuo, G. Wang 2020. "" Science and Technology for the Built Environment, pp. 1-19.

7. Y. Lou, W. M. Jayantha, L. Shen, Z. Liu, T.Shu 2019. ""Sustainable Cities and Society,51, pp.101677.

6. Y. Wu, L. Shen, Y. Zhang, C. Shuai, H. Yan, Y. Lou, G. Ye2019. ""Ecological Indicators,97, pp.260-268.

5. L. Shen, Z. Huang, S.W. Wong, S.Liao, Y.Lou2018. ""Journal of Cleaner Production,200, pp.667-679.

4. L.Shen, Y.Huang, Z.Huang, Y. Lou, G. Ye, S.W.Wong2018. ""Ecological Indicators,94, pp.357-366.

3. L. Shen,Y. Lou, Y.Huang, J. Chen 2018. ""Natural Hazards,93(1), pp.349-371.

2. Y. Lou, L. Shen, Z. Huang, Y. Wu, H.Li, G. Li2018. ""International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,15(7), p.1334.

1. L. Shen, Y. Wu, Y. Lou, D. Zeng, C.Shuai, X. Song2018. ""Journal of Cleaner Production,174, pp.343-354.

Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers:

3. Y. Lou, Y. Ye,W. Zuo, J. Zhang 2021. "." Proceeding of the 17th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association(Building Simulation 2021),September 1-3, Bruges,Belgium.

2. Y. Lou, Y. Huang, L. Shen, M.C. Yam2019."" In22nd International Conference on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate, CRIOCM 2017(pp. 629-640). CRIOCM 2017 Organising Committee.

1. Y. Lou, X.Song, H. Yan2018. "" InProceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Advancement of Construction Management and Real Estate(pp. 717-726). Springer, Singapore.


Y. Lou 2021 "", Building Simulation 2021 Conference, September.