
AndreaÌýNawage is Native and despite being low-income, having a lack of institutional eduation and limited time -ÌýherÌýdesire is to make a change in this world pushed her to get involved with the Climate Justice Leaders programÌýbecause of theÌýhuge opportunity it offered to empower the community to create change. She firmly believes thatÌýchanges needÌýto happen by workingÌýdirectly with people, especiallyÌýmarginalized communities, that don't always haveÌýtheÌýsame access to educational resources.ÌýHer motivation andÌýinspiration come from the vision of insuring aÌýbetter future for the next generations.ÌýAndreaÌýworked with theÌýdepartmentÌýof Social Services for more than 15 years and is now back in school studying Environmental Studies. She isÌýa single mother of two beautiful children,Ìýan active memberÌýin herÌýNative community and an advocateÌýfor aÌýsustainable living style that produces and practices Native spirituality. She lovesÌýher culture,Ìýtraditions and beingÌýin the water as much as sheÌýlikes to preserve it -Ìý she especially loves extreme sports such as white water rafting,Ìýkayaking andÌýswimming in ice cold water!