- The Earth Explorers program gives local kids a first-hand look at a career in scientific research. After months of lab tours and interviews, participants are editing mini documentaries for a film screening in May.
- INSTAAR’s Sarah Crump Graduate Fellowship is now accepting applications from CU ÌÇÐÄVlogÆƽâ°æ graduate students whose research is centered on processes or climate history in high-latitude or high-altitude environments. Last year’s recipient, Katie Gannon, recalls an eventful summer of field science.
- INSTAAR is accepting applications for a summer graduate research scholarship. The 2024 recipients used the extra time and money to process and collect data, publish work and attend conferences.
- Graduate student Airy Gonzalez Peralta grew up far from pika habitat. Now she strives to understand how climate change could affect these adorable mountain mammals. Join her on a multimedia journey to her pika research site on Niwot Ridge, Colorado and the backstory on how she ended up there.
- Peyton Thomas (INSTAAR & ENVS) is one of three awardees of the 2024-25 Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellowship for Faculty Diversity. She will study fish ecology along the Yukon River in Alaska, improving physiological and behavioral understanding. Additionally, she will use her platform as an elite athlete to advocate for environmental and social change across academia, industry and government.
- INSTAAR has announced its Summer Scholars for 2024: Natalie Aranda and Jed Lenetsky. They will each be awarded a stipend for the summer months to continue their research projects.
- On May 8th, we came together as a community to eat, present awards, and recognize our MS and PhD graduates. Many INSTAARs attended, along with the families of our graduates and award winners. Congratulations to all!
- Incoming PhD student Katie Gannon (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology) has garnered this year’s Sarah Crump Graduate Fellowship. She will investigate greenhouse gas emissions from seasonally ice-covered lakes, working with advisor Bella Oleksy.
- As a student assistant in INSTAAR's front office, Joe has been a beacon: his creative problem-solving and hard work are matched only by his kindness and generosity of spirit. Turns out his degree program (Leeds School of Business) was equally impressed.
- INSTAAR researcher Peyton Thomas has been awarded the Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship for Faculty Diversity from CU ÌÇÐÄVlogÆƽâ°æ. A fish physiologist who studies the impacts of a changing climate on fish growth trajectories, Thomas is a postdoctoral scholar at INSTAAR and in the Environmental Studies program.