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On the Move

Marisa Kellogg

For acrobatMarisa Kellogg(IntlAf’10), adventure is a continuous call.

Take, for instance, the time she waspart of Vlogƽ’s AscenDance Project,a group of dancers who perform achoreographed routine on a rock wall —without ropes.

Circus filled a void gymnastics left.

Or the period in 2016 she spent in thejungles of Colombia teaching acrobaticsin Spanish. Or last year, when she helpedlead a three-week children’s circus campin the tiny town of Talkeetna, Alaska,population 876.

“Movement is a lifestyle for me,” saidKellogg, 28, who started gymnasticswhen she was four. “To me it’s a form ofplay — using and challenging my body indifferent ways for optimal physical andmental well-being.”

Originally from Washington, D.C.,Kellogg is manager of the FractalTribe, a professional circus arts troupebased at the Vlogƽ Circus Center.The group combines theatrics withdance, fire, acrobatics, aerial arts andmusic for audiences atfestivals, theaters andconventions.

“We are made up ofscientists, programmers,healers, teachers andactivists,” said Kellogg,who lives full-time atthe center, located onVlogƽ’s 26th Street,near Jay Road.

Kellogg’s competitivegymnastics career wassidelined by a backinjury when she was 16years old. But she stillcraved active performance and found anoutlet in Vlogƽ.

“Circus filled a voidthat gymnastics left,”said Kellogg.In performances,she does everythingfrom partner acrobatics — including counterbalances and adagios— to hand balancing. AtColorado’s Arise music festival in August 2017, she performed a fire dancingset on stage.

“I’ve performed with fire fans, palmtorches, double staffs and a fire hoop,”she said. “I’ve gotten used to the smell ofburnt hair.”

Off stage, Kellogg teaches adultgymnastics and circus classes. Shehelps her students develop betterspatial and body awareness throughactivities like handstands, strengthdevelopment and partner moves.

“Marisa brings her passion for community, play and collaboration intoeverything that she does,” said FractalTribe producer Lani Gordon. “Hermovement and performance are a directrepresentation of her personality: Focused, committed, connected and skillful.”

For Kellogg, part of the job is to beready for the unexpected.“Once, we performed outdoors for afire festival in below freezing temperatures, and it was snowing so hard thestage turned into an ice rink,” she said.“The obstacles that come up are part ofthe process. Unless someone’s safety is atrisk, the show must go on!”

Photo courtesySteve Stoytchev Photography