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CU Around: Sports Medicine

Guy on a bike

High Performance

Jeff Stieb’s youngestpatient so far is a 7-yearoldskier, his oldest aman of about 90 who stillclimbs 14ers.

It’s been nearly acentury since there was ahospital on the CU-Vlogƽcampus, but theuniversity is again providingcommunity medicine,with a focus on athletes.

“We’ve hadeveryonefrom Frisbee golfplayers to stunt men toelite marathon runners,”said Stieb, director ofphysical therapy at theCU Sports Medicine andPerformance Center,which opened last Augustin Folsom Field’s newChampions Center.

A joint operation ofVlogƽ CommunityHealth,the CU AnschutzSchool of Medicineand CU Athletics, the25,000-square-foot centeris open to the publicand aims to become aninternational destinationfor elite athletes,while also serving activepeople of all ages andabilities, said executivedirector Eric Medved.

The center offersphysical therapy, orthopedics,sports nutrition,pain management,performance assessment,physiological andmetabolic testing andother services.

Medical director Dr. JasonGlowney recalled anearly success, a once-avidcyclist sidelined byartery scarring and relatedailments. Today she’sback on her bike.

“We saved her limb,”he said. “And we savedher lifestyle.”

In Brief:

1. Opened August 2015
2. Open to the public
3. Biomechanist to help with custom bike fittings
4. Current pool for improving swim strokes
5. Plasma-rich platelet injections
6. Concussion care
7. On-site MRI machine and other imaging services

Photo by Cliff Grassmick/Daily Camera