Critical Media Practices /cmcinow/ en Student Work Gallery: Summer 2024 /cmcinow/2024/05/23/student-work-gallery-summer-2024 Student Work Gallery: Summer 2024 Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 05/23/2024 - 14:23 Categories: Beyond the Classroom Tags: Advertising Public Relations and Media Design Critical Media Practices strategic communication Students across CMCI find ways to bring together their personal interests and academic pursuits. Since the college’s founding, we have showcased this diverse collection of student work.


Traditional 0 On White ]]>
Thu, 23 May 2024 20:23:59 +0000 Anonymous 1072 at /cmcinow
Class of 2024: William W. White Honorees /cmcinow/2024/05/01/class-2024-william-w-white-honorees Class of 2024: William W. White Honorees Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 05/01/2024 - 17:17 Categories: Features Tags: Advertising Public Relations and Media Design Communication Critical Media Practices Information Science Journalism Media Production Media Studies strategic communication

William W. White Outstanding Seniors are chosen by department faculty to recognize academic merit, professional achievement and service to the college. The Outstanding Graduate award honors the CMCI student with the highest overall GPA in his or her graduating class.

White, a Vlogƽ native, graduated from CU’s School of Journalism in 1933. He was a reporter in Vlogƽ, Denver and New York before becoming the foreign editor of Time from the early 1940s through the mid-1950s, based in London, Brazil and Montreal. At the advice of his friend Edward R. Murrow, who told him “it doesn’t matter what you do, what matters is that you do it where you want to live,” White returned to Vlogƽ, where he started the White and White public relations firm. White and his wife, Connie, established this endowment in 1998.

Meet our graduates and read their stories.

Andrew Schwartz: College of Media, Communication and Information

Andrew's advice to students is to try everything and talk to as many people as you can—especially outside your major. That way, you'll broaden your perspective.

   When it comes to impact and being able to make something I’m proud of, a big part of that is being able to make technology for the people to use it, and make things that people enjoy using and improve their lives. Info places a big emphasis on that."

  Read more 

Lisa An: Department of Critical Media Practice

Lisa started her CU career as a computer science major before switching to media production. She said this was one of the best decisions she ever made because through the program, she discovered a passion for photography.

  "I learned that keeping your work to yourself because of the fear of not being good enough does no good. If you share your work and receive feedback, you are able to improve your craft and obtain opportunities you otherwise never would have been able to.

  Read more 

Elijah Boykoff: Department of Information Science

Going into college, Elijah's goals for himself were to learn as much as he could and make it to the finish line. He says he's made good on those goals, and this award is an exciting bonus.

   Your professors are people just like you. Get to know them—if you are able to resonate with your professors on a deeper level, you will be much more enriched by the knowledge they have to share."

  Read more 


Bianca Perez: Departments of Communication, Media Studies

Bianca is the first CMCI graduate to win outstanding student honors from two different majors. She's now off to a prestigious Ph.D. program.

  "What I have is like a wish coming true. You can work very hard and that can still not be enough, and I’ve seen that happen to people around me my whole life.

  Read more 

Sujei Perla Martinez: Department of Advertising, Public Relations and Media Design

For Sujei, a first-generation college student, graduating means she's carving a new path for her family.

   My community helped foster a place for self-discovery and encouraged me to be unapologetically myself while helping me grow within my values and beliefs."

  Read more 

Nic Tamayo: Department of Journalism

Nic's CMCI experience in three words: fulfilling, inspired, treasured.

  "I will take with me the connections I’ve been able to make with people from so many corners of life. They’ve taught me lessons that I may never have learned without their friendship and mentorship.

  Read more 

William W. White Outstanding Seniors are chosen by department faculty to recognize academic merit, professional achievement and service to the college. The Outstanding Graduate award honors the CMCI student with the highest overall GPA in his or her graduating class.


Zebra Striped 7 On White ]]>
Wed, 01 May 2024 23:17:34 +0000 Anonymous 1058 at /cmcinow
Outstanding senior: Lisa An /cmcinow/2024/05/01/outstanding-senior-lisa Outstanding senior: Lisa An Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 05/01/2024 - 16:39 Categories: Features Tags: Critical Media Practices Media Production graduation

By Iris Serrano
Photos by Kimberly Coffin (CritMedia, StratComm’18)

“Unpredictable” is how Lisa An describes her college experience. 


  “I learned that keeping your work to yourself because of the fear of not being good enough does no good. If you share your work and receive feedback, you are able to improve your craft and obtain opportunities you otherwise never would have been able to.”
Lisa An

She felt pressured to pursue a computer science major, in preparation for a technical career path, but realized it wasn’t her calling. Eventually, she came across media production and enjoyed the creative freedom that came with it.

“It ended up being one of the best decisions I made,” An said. “I often struggle to find the right words to describe what I'm feeling. With photography, I’m able to create something where the emotion I pour into the piece can speak for itself.”

She carried her curiosity and love for creativity and completed a second major in Art Practices with minors in Art History and Sociology. Now she’s graduating as the William W. White Outstanding Senior for the Department of Critical Media Practices. The White awards are chosen by CMCI faculty and honor students for their academic accomplishments, professional achievements and service to the college.

The award didn’t come without hard work and effort. An has completed countless projects for her media production classes, but the one that stood out most was a book she made compiling her photography and design work. It was, she said, “rewarding to see my creation come to life physically, as well as being a part of the entire process of creating something.”

She has also completed an internship at the Vlogƽ Museum of Contemporary Art, which she said gave her a clearer picture of what to expect in the field after graduation. 

Her path may not have been linear, but she said that journey helped her surround herself with friends who guided her on the way. 
“One thing I’ll miss is the sense of community and support I received from my professors and peers. I could feel that they all genuinely cared for my success and pushed me to produce work that I could be proud of,” An said.

The outstanding senior in the Department of Critical Media Practices, Lisa said her winding path helped her meet mentors and friends that set her up to succeed.


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Wed, 01 May 2024 22:39:07 +0000 Anonymous 1054 at /cmcinow
Student Work Gallery: Spring 2024 /cmcinow/2024/02/27/student-work-gallery-spring-2024 Student Work Gallery: Spring 2024 Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 02/27/2024 - 14:26 Categories: Beyond the Classroom Tags: Advertising Public Relations and Media Design Communication Critical Media Practices Graduate Students Information Science Journalism Media Production Media Studies Research media and public engagement strategic communication

CMCI students from all departments develop their portfolios through classes, competitions, internships and more.

Here we have collected a variety of student work that highlights their personal and professional passions explored during their academic careers at CU Vlogƽ.

  View the work

  Students across CMCI find ways to bring together their personal interests and academic pursuits. Since the college’s founding, we have showcased this diverse collection of student work.


Traditional 0 On White ]]>
Tue, 27 Feb 2024 21:26:40 +0000 Anonymous 1047 at /cmcinow
Student Work Gallery: Fall 2023 /cmcinow/student-work-gallery-fall23 Student Work Gallery: Fall 2023 Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 11/01/2023 - 14:22 Categories: Beyond the Classroom Tags: Advertising Public Relations and Media Design Communication Critical Media Practices Information Science Journalism Media Production Media Studies strategic communication

What's the catch?

There’s no getting back the one that got away, but a prototype app designed by a group of recent graduates could help anglers identify the fish they do catch.

COAI (for Colorado A.I.; pronounced “koi”) Fish, designed by Kendall Fronabarger, Ken Vue and Emerson Swan (all InfoSci’23), is especially aimed at those new to the sport who are curious about the fish they’re catching in Colorado’s waters. The app uses a modified machine learning tool that matches photos uploaded by users to a registry of Colorado species built by the students.

Art as activism

CMCI students are encouraged to use their creativity in building projects that allow them to interpret or reflect upon the challenges facing society. Mixed-media work in the last year has focused on topics such as the climate crisis, the plight of refugees and the struggle for gender equality.

Jamie Chihuan (StratComm’23),
“Soon we will all have nowhere to go” 

Citlally Ruedas, strategic communication,
“Homero Gomez” 

Isabella Pao, strategic communication,
“I am a woman, I exist” 

Pablo Aziz, critical media practices,
“Women demand peace and justice”

Sharing student perspectives

Students across CMCI find ways to bring together their personal interests and academic pursuits. Since the college’s founding, we have regularly showcased this diverse collection of student work.

McKenzie Jenkins (StratComm’22), Josh Harman (StratComm’23)

Katya Bollong (StratComm’23)

Hailey Schalk, communication

Olivia Lieberman (CritMedia’23)

Sophie Gould, TEDxCU executive board (Comm’23)

Noya Kinsland, critical media practices

Kelsie Kerr (MediaSt, Film’23)


Kara Wagenknecht (Jour’23)



Students across CMCI find ways to bring together their personal interests and academic pursuits. Since the college’s founding, we have showcased this diverse collection of student work.


Zebra Striped 7 On White ]]>
Wed, 01 Nov 2023 20:22:36 +0000 Anonymous 1030 at /cmcinow
Primed for change /cmcinow/primed-change Primed for change Anonymous (not verified) Sun, 10/29/2023 - 21:09 Categories: Dean's Letter Tags: Advertising Public Relations and Media Design Critical Media Practices Information Science Journalism Media Studies Research

CMCI was founded amid change—an answer to how we could best organize the various communication- and information-related disciplines at CU Vlogƽ in ways that enabled faculty collaboration and student success. We’re no stranger to disruption, so as generative A.I. tools like ChatGPT captured the public imagination early this year, I started wondering what the next chapter for communication—and education—might look like.

The dominant theme in the headlines has been one of concern, but as usual, I’ve found the best perspectives come from our alumni, students and faculty, who are on the front lines of change in these fast-moving times. In this issue, we asked members of our community for their reflections on change, and they shared insights on everything from A.I. and algorithms, to work and water.

If you find yourself overwhelmed by the enormity of the changes you’re facing, I hope you’ll find insight in this issue, which showcases how our community is researching the ways algorithms shape our worldview and the technology transforming how creative projects get done. It also offers a chance for you to reconnect with how our college is changing, including our new Washington, D.C., program.

Reading these stories helped me feel re-energized about the direction of our college and the ways our community is poised to lead through change. I may not have a crystal ball, but I’m confident that CMCI will continue to be a place where new ideas and tools are celebrated, not feared, and where possibility is embraced. I’m excited to be part of this community and to see where we go from here. And change is exciting—just look at the energy and attention Coach Prime has brought to the Buffs!

What about you? I’d love to hear your thoughts on CMCI and its future. Drop me a line or come say hello next time you’re in the Vlogƽ area.

Lori Bergen, PhD
Founding Dean
College of Media, Communication and Information

CMCI was founded amid change—an answer to how we could best organize the various communication- and information-related disciplines at CU Vlogƽ in ways that enabled faculty collaboration and student success.


Zebra Striped 7 On White ]]>
Mon, 30 Oct 2023 03:09:46 +0000 Anonymous 1028 at /cmcinow
CMCI goes to Washington /cmcinow/cmci-goes-washington CMCI goes to Washington Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 09/22/2023 - 13:21 Categories: Features Tags: Advertising Public Relations and Media Design CMCI in DC Communication Critical Media Practices Information Science Internships Journalism Media Production Media Studies strategic communication

By Hannah Stewart (Comm’19)

It’s an early Wednesday morning in July, yet it seems most of Washington, D.C., has already been up for hours.

Riders swarm the Metro on their way to work. Above ground, everyone from power brokers to power couples crowd local coffee shops while runners squeeze in a jog.

Amid the bustle, four students from CU Vlogƽ are headed to their internships, where they are responsible for public relations at The Hill, covering news in real time and managing sound at a multimedia festival.

“This is such a great program because you get professional experience,” said Reede Ottenstein (CritMedia’23). “You’ll feel so much better when you graduate, and you’ll have a better idea of what you want to do.”

Through the support of CMCI in D.C.—a semester-long study abroad-style program in Washington—Ottenstein landed an internship with Capital Fringe. This multiday, multimedia festival was particularly enticing since she focused on sound design as a CMCI student. She even had the chance to work with the audio engineers for the performances.

“In my classes, I was learning sound and audio,” Ottenstein said. “Now that I’ve interned with this festival, I will get to take what I learned and put it in a real-world context.”

Students in this program earn both class and internship credit during a semester or summer session in Washington. In addition to learning from guest speakers—many of whom are program alumni and media professionals—students have the chance to explore the city, both on assignment and for personal enrichment. Along the way, they discover new passions and opportunities for growth while forming close bonds as peers.

“Washington, D.C., is an incredible place to spend a semester,” said Lori Bergen, CMCI founding dean. “The communications, media and information landscape is a laboratory for new ideas about how to inform, influence and inspire people.” 

CMCI students on their D.C. experiences


 "The Hill has been very eye-opening and has shown me what the real world of PR looks like. Connecting with people is something that really holds true to me.

Michael Bass
Intern, The Hill


 “You get to experience a new American city and learn from great professors.

Jenna Gainsboro
Intern, D.C. Witness

CMCI’s partner in delivering the program, the Washington Media Institute, encourages students to develop new skills through practical learning in the field.

For instance, media studies junior Jenna Gainsboro tried her hand at court reporting. An illness in Gainsboro’s youth led to seemingly endless days reading and watching television, inspiring her to pursue a career 
in media. She spent a previous semester writing for a fashion magazine, but with this new opportunity, she wanted something different.

“They pitched me this internship with D.C. Witness in a social justice kind of way,” Gainsboro said. “I appreciate how individualized it is. They really work with you to find 
an internship that will give you the experience you need.”


 “The fact that internships are hand-selected for our students gives them an advantage in getting settled in this exciting city and building professional and personal relationships that will last a lifetime.
—Dean Lori Bergen

That feature helps the program stand out among other experiential-learning opportunities.

“The fact that internships are hand-selected for our students gives them an advantage in getting settled in this exciting city and building professional and personal relationships that will last a lifetime,” Bergen said.

As part of the application process, staff from WMI interview students to assess their career goals, then identify ideal internships for each student. WMI staff also use their Washington networks to bring in guest lecturers and instructors for classes.

“I know that every time I come to class, we’re going to be doing something that might be challenging in the moment, but is still helpful and a good experience for my growth,” said senior Tessa Stigler, a journalism student who interned at Voice of America.

After graduation, she hopes to be a multimedia journalist. Although she’s had an “overwhelmingly positive experience” in her classes in Vlogƽ, she said this program has helped her see new aspects of the media.

“It’s interesting to see how different everybody’s internships are, and the different skills they’re focusing on,” Stigler said. “CMCI in D.C. encourages you to get career minded, feel set up to graduate and know that you can get something afterward.”


CMCI in D.C. is open to all CMCI majors and minors.

This unique, immersive experience allows students to develop skills directly related to their career aspirations, and includes a customized internship tailored to each participant’s career aspirations. Students may apply to be part of the program in any semester.

CMCI in D.C. is helping students discover new passions and grow—personally and professionally—as they prepare for careers in media.


Zebra Striped 7 On White ]]>
Fri, 22 Sep 2023 19:21:11 +0000 Anonymous 1008 at /cmcinow
Maker's Mind: The Student Perspective /cmcinow/makers-mind-student-perspective Maker's Mind: The Student Perspective Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 11/28/2022 - 09:17 Categories: Beyond the Classroom Tags: Advertising Public Relations and Media Design Communication Critical Media Practices Information Science Journalism Media Studies

At CMCI, students explore their personal passions while pursuing academic and professional interests.

Since CMCI’s founding, we’ve collected student work from each of the college’s six departments. Here, you can see what our students have produced using different mediums like photography and digital illustration. Some of these pieces were created for class assignments and others were featured in student showcases throughout the year.

  See more student work 

See examples of CMCI student work.


Traditional 7 On White ]]>
Mon, 28 Nov 2022 16:17:31 +0000 Anonymous 981 at /cmcinow
Here’s to the next 100 years /cmcinow/heres-next-100-years Here’s to the next 100 years Anonymous (not verified) Sun, 11/20/2022 - 23:25 Categories: Dean's Letter Tags: Advertising Public Relations and Media Design Critical Media Practices Information Science Journalism Media Studies Research

This year, we’re celebrating the centennial of the Department of Journalism, established April 21,1922, by the Board of Regents. As we have explored archival documents dating to the 1920s, it’s been fun to go through photos and see the changes in technology (and fashion!) over the past 100 years.

What hasn’t changed is the importance of both universities and journalism in upholding democracy. As I said in our coverage of the department’s history, the journalism industry has seen tremendous change over the past 10 decades, but our goal has remained steady: teach students to find truth and hold power to account.

Thousands of our graduates have gone on to become working journalists, and I had the opportunity to talk with three of them—John Branch (MJour’89), Jackie Fortiér (MJour’13) and Vignesh Ramachandran (Jour’11)—about topics ranging from what challenges they face as journalists to how they find joy in their jobs.

Of course, the unique strength of our new college is the synergy formed by all of our academic programs. Across the board, our faculty members are educating the next generation of communicators and exploring how they can have a positive impact on humanity. Be sure to check out Associate Professor Stephen Voida’s work on improving mental health therapy through technology, and the climate-focused projects taken on by faculty and students in Advertising, Public Relations and Media Design; Communication; Critical Media Practices; and Journalism.

As CMCI enters its seventh year and becomes more mature as a college, I can’t wait to see what the next century holds and what important stories, projects and research the faculty, students and alumni from all of our disciplines will pursue!

Please keep sending us your updates to feature in Alumni News and let us know if you’ll be on campus. I’d love to hear from you.

Lori Bergen, PhD
Founding Dean
College of Media, Communication and Information

This year, we’re celebrating the centennial of the Department of Journalism, established April 21,1922, by the Board of Regents. As we have explored archival documents dating to the 1920s, it’s been fun to go through photos and see the changes in technology (and fashion!) over the past 100 years.


Zebra Striped 7 On White ]]>
Mon, 21 Nov 2022 06:25:14 +0000 Anonymous 971 at /cmcinow
Swimming With Sound /cmcinow/swimming-sound Swimming With Sound Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 08/24/2022 - 00:23 Categories: Beyond the Classroom Tags: Critical Media Practices

By Hannah Stewart (Comm’19)


Artist Bryan “Noodle” Chi Hun Lai (CritMedia’22) with Zach Marks,
a fellow classmate and media production student.

In a room filled with waves projected onto walls, recordings of rippling water joined images of colorful goldfish swimming across a screen to produce the illusion of being in the middle of a goldfish pond.

Bryan “Noodle” Chi Hun Lai (CritMedia’22) created the augmented reality exhibition ponder. to meld physical space with the sights and sounds of a virtual world. At two spring 2022 Department of Critical Media Practices student showcases, attendees eagerly awaited their turn to grab an iPad and headphones and plunge into the interactive experience.

Chi Hun, , developed a project that fused his cultural roots and creative exploration.

“Wٳ ponder. I had hoped to set an example of what it meant to embrace the dichotomy of the influences in my creativity and the influences of my heritage,” said Chi Hun, who is from Hong Kong and also graduated with a certificate in music technology from the College of Music.

Koi and goldfish often represent prosperity and luck in Chinese culture. With that symbolism in mind, Chi Hun set out to create a meditative, extended reality experience that incorporated his interest in ambient music.

At the showcases, students, faculty and other attendees held an iPad in front of them to see goldfish swimming around them through an augmented reality program. At the same time, they wore headphones that revealed a new layer of ponder.: an interactive, jazz- and trap-inspired audio experience.

Chi Hun divided the soundtrack into groups of frequencies, then he assigned each frequency to a different fish. As participants moved toward a given fish, the sound associated with it would become louder. If participants decided to feed the fish, an element of the program designed by Chi Hun, they would be surrounded by the full range of sound in the soundtrack.

Chi Hun said the Advanced Augmented Reality course taught by Jason Gnerre helped him craft and hone the final version of ponder.

Ponder. is a fantastic example of augmented reality because it leans into all the unique aspects of this technology,” said Gnerre, senior media specialist in CMCI and instructor for the course. “This new way of experiencing digital art creates a very personalized experience, where the meaning changes depending on your vantage point and surroundings.”

Through ponder., Chi Hun hoped to challenge himself and attendees to immerse themselves in a creative, virtual experience. He said he hoped that by being able to walk around in a goldfish pond, viewers would be inspired to be creative themselves.

“All art stems from some sort of inspiration,” he said. “I’m hoping, as I find my own path . . . that it develops the same sort of desire in other people.”

Recent graduate Bryan Chi Hun Lai wanted to explore the relationship between space and sound, all while inspiring others to do the same. In a spring art exhibition, Chi Hun took attendees on a meditative, extended reality experience to a goldfish pond.


Dark Mode 7 On White ]]>
Wed, 24 Aug 2022 06:23:40 +0000 Anonymous 947 at /cmcinow