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AIIS Grants for Digital Research and opportunity to study Sanskrit

Now Accepting Applications
AIIS Digital Scholarship Grants
Deadline: January 31, 2025

The American Institute of Indian Studies is pleased to invite proposals for its Digital India Learning (DIL) initiative that demonstrate a sustained use of digital methodology and resources in the exploration of a research topic focused on India. 

AIIS welcomes projects at all stages of development, including pilots at a preliminary stage of conception that: foster the digital production and dissemination of knowledge about India; promote the creation and use of digital resources and media for the study of India; promote digital collaboration across disciplines including, and especially, between the humanities, social sciences, and STEM fields.

Project Details
A proposal for a project can be submitted by one principal investigator applicant or a team of two or more principal investigators in collaboration.
Sources providing funding for the program require that fellows be present in India during their fellowship period.
Award funds can be used to supplement current projects supported by other grants, but the budget should clearly explain what portion of the project will be supported by the AIIS award.
Award funds may not be used exclusively for hosting a conference or workshop.
Deliverables may include but are not limited to digital material and publications, reports, teaching resources, online exhibits, digital infrastructure, and software.
An open-access scholarly article that demonstrates a sustained use of digital methods and resources may be an outcome but cannot be a sole deliverable.
AIIS is offering at least two grants, each for up to $15,000.

Eligible applicants include faculty, as well as non-faculty professionals at institutions of higher education in the United States. Applicants from community colleges, Minority Serving Institutions, and institutions which do not have established South Asian studies programs are especially encouraged to apply.

Decisions will be made by March 1, 2025. Those selected will be able to carry out their projects on a schedule of their choosing from May 1, 2025 to April 30, 2026.

Full Application Instructions: