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UChicago Center for East Asian Studies - NEH Summer Translation Workshop on Chinese Classical Tale (July 15 - 19) - Application Deadline: May 1, 2024

Chinese Classical Tale Summer Translation Workshop: Call for Applications

The Center for East Asian Studies at the University of Chicago invites applications for a Translation Workshop on the tale written in Classical Chinese (Literary Sinitic). The workshop, to be held July 15-19, 2024, is part of the NEH Translations and Scholarly Editions project for a new complete annotated English translation of Pu Songling’s?蒲松齡?Liaozhai zhiyi?聊斋誌异.?It will be led by project co-PI’s Judith Zeitlin (University of Chicago) and Rania Huntington (University of Wisconsin, Madison), with additional faculty sessions conducted by Roland Altenburger (University of Würzburg), Suyoung Son (Cornell), and Jiayi Chen (Washington University, St Louis). Mornings will introduce methods and resources for English translation and annotation, including two sessions in the Regenstein Library and a session on Korean tales written in Literary Sinic; afternoon sessions will focus on workshopping translations in progress by individual student and faculty participants. ?

The workshop is open to graduate students, advanced undergraduates, faculty, and independent scholars and translators. Required qualifications: command of advanced Classical Chinese and professional fluency in English.?

Subsidies for travel and lodging will be provided for a limited number of out of town participants. Preference for subsidies will be given to graduate students and recent PhDs or MFAs (degree granted after 2017), but scholars of all ranks are welcome to apply. Participants should prepare two texts for translation to bring with them: one an already completed draft, and one to be completed over the course of the workshop. Texts may be from the tale or anecdotal tradition in Classical Chinese from any period or geographical region. Applicants should submit a current cv and brief statements describing your interest in the workshop, your Classical Chinese training, prior translation experience, and the translation projects you plan to share at the workshop.?

Application materials are due by May 1, 2024?

Please apply here: ?

For questions, please contact Professor Judith Zeitlin?jzeitlin@uchicago.edu?or Professor Rania Huntington?huntington@wisc.edu?.