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New Faculty Fellows Support Quality Teaching Initiative

Pictured left to right: Joy Adams(ASSETT), Amanda McAndrew (ASSETT), Heidi Loshbaugh(QTI), Leilani Arthurs (GEOL), Rai Farrelly (LING), Christine MacDonald (PWR), Pam Harvey (MCDB), Beth Osnes (ASSETT/THRD), Janet Donovan (PSCI), Mary Long (SPAN), Joe Timmer (MATH), Lorraine Baynard de Volo (WMST), Heather Demerest (PHIL), Karen Gebhardt (ECON), Karen Bailey (ENVS).

New Faculty Fellows Support Quality Teaching Initiative

In response to the College of Arts and Sciences’ renewed focus on teaching, ASSETT has reshaped the Faculty Fellows program to help the college realize the goals of Quality Teaching Initiative (QTI). This initiative aims to help academic units in the College of Arts and Sciences clarify their own standards and evaluation practices for teaching. Congratulations to the twelve faculty members who were nominated by their department chairs and accepted into the program:

  • Leilani Arthurs | Geological Sciences

  • Karen Bailey | Environmental Studies

  • Lorraine Bayard de Volo | Women & Gender Studies

  • Heather Demarest |ÌýPhilosophy

  • Janet DonavanÌý| Political Science

  • Raichle Farrelly |ÌýLinguistics

  • Karen Gebhardt | Economics

  • Pam Harvey |ÌýMolecular Cellular Developmental Biology
  • Mary Long |ÌýSpanish

  • Christine Macdonald | Program for Writing and RhetoricÌý

  • Dianne Mitchell |ÌýEnglish

  • Joseph Timmer |ÌýMathematics

These fellows will be guided by ASSETT's Amanda McAndrew and Joy Adams through a rich curriculum to:Ìý

  • Articulate the components of quality teaching as outlined in the A&S Policy on Quality Teaching and Associated Evaluation

  • Develop a plan to lead their department in defining quality standards and creating processes and procedures for teaching evaluation duringÌýÌýthe 2021-22 academic year

  • Advise colleagues on quality teaching standards, measures, and resources for continuous teaching improvement

  • Be ambassadors and communication conduits for ASSETT and OIT by identifying departmental interests and needs and providing departmental leadership and resources around best practices for teachingÌý

  • Cultivate a cross-departmental collaborative network of faculty advocates and mentors committed to providing guidance and leadership in quality teaching, learning, and technology uses.

The program allows the fellows to learn and share ideas in a supportive community of other faculty members. We are partnering with the Center for STEM Learning in offering consultations with departmentsÌýÌýas they respond to the QTI call. We look forward to sharing more information with you about our exciting cohort of fellows and what they are accomplishing.Ìý
For more information onÌýÌýavailable support for QTI activities in your department, contact Heidi Loshbaugh, QTI Lead, or visit the QTI web site.