Promotion Process
Note: These policies are currently under review.ÌýÌý
In-Cycle PromotionsÌý
- Promotion for Non-Tenured Faculty should occur during their normal reappointment cycle. Off-cycle Promotions (e.g. Promotions before the current final year of the current appointment) are discouraged.
- Every April, a listing of non-tenure track faculty, who will be up for reappointment review the following academic year, will be distributed to each unit via email.
- The units will be provided a deadline to respond to any discrepancies in the evaluation cycle (e.g., additions and/or deletions).
- The unit is responsible for determining which reappointment-eligible faculty, if any, are also eligible for Promotion.
- Requirements for Promotion must be outlined in the unit Bylaws.
- The portion of the Bylaws pertaining to Promotion should be included in the completed dossier, when submitted.
- In compliance with the criteria for reappointment outlined by the Office of Faculty Affairs, which is found on the Office of Faculty Affairs website, each non-tenure track faculty under review will complete and submit a reappointment dossier, per the College of Arts and Sciences Non-Tenure Track Reappointment Checklist, which is due to the Dean’s Office by November 1st of the final year of appointment.
- The unit will submit one complete electronic dossier (PDF) for each non-tenure track faculty member under review.
- For faculty members undergoing promotion, both the Checklist and the Chairs Letter must indicate that a Promotion is being requested.
- Each e-dossier should clearly indicate the faculty member’s name and unit.
- Units are encouraged to keep a duplicate soft copy.
- Please submit all Instructor (Teaching Faculty) Reappointment dossiers via EMAIL to
- The unit will submit one complete electronic dossier (PDF) for each non-tenure track faculty member under review.
- Upon receipt of the reappointment e-dossier, the CAS Faculty Development Coordinator will review the materials for inclusion of all required documentation.
- The CAS Faculty Development Coordinator will submit the reappointment and promotion e-dossier to the Associate or Divisional Dean for review and recommendation.
- If the recommendation is negative, the reappointment e-dossier will be reviewed by a 2-person subcommittee of the College Personnel Committee, who will provide a written recommendation.
- The above will be provided to the Associate or Divisional Dean, who will also write a recommendation.
- If the outcome is still a negative recommendation, the faculty member will have 30 days to appeal to the Dean of the College, who will provide a final recommendation.
- The Associate or Divisional Dean will provide recommendation of promotion to the CAS' Faculty Development Coordinator.
- CAS Faculty Development Coordinator hands off approved promotions to CAS Faculty Affairs Coordinators.
- The CAS' Faculty Affairs Coordinator will notify the unit, via email, when the requested reappointment and promotion has been approved. The Faculty Affairs Coordinator will provide a CAS Reappointment and Promotion Spreadsheet to the unit. The unit will populate the sheet and return it to the CAS Faculty Affairs Coordinator.
- CAS Faculty Affairs Coordinator will use the reappointment spreadsheet to create the letter of offer through the mail merge process.
- The CAS' Faculty Affairs Coordinator will submit the draft offer letter for final review and approval.
- Upon receipt of approval, CAS Faculty Affairs Coordinator will route the reappointment packet for signatures.
- CC
- A&S Budget Office
- Campus HR Service Center
- Unit
- CC
- If any changes to the offer letter are needed after approval, fill out an addendum ´Ú´Ç°ù³¾.Ìý
For 100% Appointments:Ìý
- The CAS Faculty Affairs Coordinator will submit the draft offer letter to the Office of Faculty Affairs for review and approval.
- Once approved by the Office of Faculty Affairs, the CAS Faculty Affairs Coordinator routes offer letter for all signatures with cc: to the following:
- Unit Program Coordinator;
- Human Resources Service Center (;
- College of Arts and Sciences' Budget Office
- Appointment entered in HCM (Human Resources software) by Human Resources Service CenterÌý
For Less than 100% Appointments:Ìý
- The College of Arts and Sciences' Faculty Affairs Coordinator routes offer letter for all signatures with cc: to the following:
- Unit Program Coordinator;
- Human Resources Service Center (;
- College of Arts and Sciences' Budget Office
- Appointment entered in HCM by Human Resources Service CenterÌý
Off-Cycle PromotionsÌý
- Promotion for Non-Tenured Faculty should occur during their normal reappointment cycle. Off-cycle Promotions (e.g. Promotions before the current final year of the current appointment) are discouraged.
- The unit will send all off-cycle promotion requests at the same time as all normal reappointment dossiers are submitted.
- The unit will submit the Faculty Member’s most recent completed electronic reappointment dossier (PDF) from the previous reappointment cycle for each non-tenure track faculty member undergoing off-cycle Promotion.
- In addition to the previous Dossier, the unit must submit the following documents:
- A new Chair’s letter
- A department vote authorizing Promotion
- The FCQ scores for all courses taught by the faculty member that were taught after the previous reappointment Dossier was submitted
- For faculty members undergoing promotion, both the Checklist and the Chairs Letter must indicate that a Promotion is being requested.
- Each e-dossier should clearly indicate the faculty member’s name and unit.
- Units are encouraged to keep a duplicate soft copy.
- Please submit all Instructor (Teaching Faculty) off-cycle promotion requests via EMAIL to
- Upon receipt of the off-cycle promotion e-dossier, the CAS Faculty Development Coordinator will review the materials for inclusion of all required documentation.
- The CAS Faculty Development Coordinator will submit the promotion e-dossier to the Associate or Divisional Dean for review and recommendation.
- If the recommendation is negative, the reappointment e-dossier will be reviewed by a 2-person subcommittee of the College Personnel Committee, who will provide a written recommendation.
- The above will be provided to the Associate or Divisional Dean, who will also write a recommendation.
- If the outcome is still a negative recommendation, the faculty member will have 30 days to appeal to the Dean of the College, who will provide a final recommendation.
- The Associate or Divisional Dean will provide recommendation of promotion to the CAS' Faculty Development Coordinator.
- CAS Faculty Development Coordinator hands off approved promotions to CAS Faculty Affairs Coordinators.
- The CAS' Faculty Affairs Coordinator will notify the unit, via email, when the requested promotion has been approved.
- The unit generates a draft Addendum, specifying the following changes to the faculty member’s most recent Letter of Offer:
- Job Title and Working Title (if applicable)
- Salary (if applicable)
- Please note: an off-cycle promotion will not change the reappointment cycle. The end date of the original Letter of Offer will remain unchanged.
- The unit sends drafted Addendum to
- The CAS Faculty Affairs Coordinator will review the draft Addendum for final review and approval.
- Upon receipt of approval, CAS Faculty Affairs Coordinator will route the Addendum for signatures.
- CC
- A&S Budget Office
- Campus HR Service Center
- Unit
- CC
- If any changes to the offer letter are needed after approval, fill out an addendum ´Ú´Ç°ù³¾.Ìý
For 100% Appointments:Ìý
- The CAS Faculty Affairs Coordinator will submit the draft Addendum to the Office of Faculty Affairs for review and approval.
- Once approved by the Office of Faculty Affairs, the CAS Faculty Affairs Coordinator routes the Addendum for all signatures with cc: to the following:
- Unit Program Coordinator;
- Human Resources Service Center (;
- College of Arts and Sciences' Budget Office
- Appointment entered in HCM (Human Resources software) by Human Resources Service CenterÌý
For Less than 100% Appointments:Ìý
- The CAS Faculty Affairs Coordinator routes Addendum for all signatures with cc: to the following:
- Unit Program Coordinator;
- Human Resources Service Center (;
- College of Arts and Sciences' Budget Office
- Appointment entered in HCM by Human Resources Service CenterÌý
Reviewed 26 February 2025