Arts and Sciences Staff Development Fund (pilot)

Purpose: The Staff (classified and university) Professional Development Fund is intended to encourage an engaged workforce in active pursuit of self-improvement, development and skill-acquisition. Research shows that participating in professional development increases positive emotions, cultivates a deeper sense of purpose, broadens experience and perspective, assists career growth and offers opportunities for social interaction and connection. Further, professional development promotes wellness and wellbeing.

The College of Arts and Sciences is committed to cultivating a community of care, one invested in staff because staff matter and are pivotal to our shared growth and success.

Eligibility: Current A&S classified and university staff with at least 12 months of service anywhere in the CU system (includes four campuses and system office). Staff must be in good standing, at minimum meeting performance expectations. Applicants must secure a matching department contribution of at least $500.

Funding Allocation: Twenty $500 awards may be approved. Employees may receive this award once in any year. Expenses are limited to travel, parking, lodging, meals and registration fees. Funding is available via the Dean’s Innovation Fund through December 2023.  

Application criteria: Criteria will include a timeline for professional development completion; an explanation of career goalsÌý²¹²Ô»åÌýwhy the staff applicant wants to pursue a specific training/workshop/conference/etc.; and a description of how acquiring this new knowledge and/or skill will applicants in their A&S job and beyond. Also, applicants should comment on how the development opportunity applies to wellness and justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. 

How awardees will be selected and notified: The deans will serve as the review committee. 

DEADLINE: Applications will be accepted through Sept. 22, 2023. Applicants will be notified by Oct. 1, 2023. The college may notify all faculty and staff about the awardees and their pursuits.